Mindful Spaces Weekend Retreat: Exploring Feng Shui as a Mindfulness Practice
With Anjie Cho
April 13 - 17, 2023
Be present and connected in your home with feng shui and mindfulness techniques.
Feng shui teaches that we are interconnected and interdependent. This includes the spaces that we live in and engage with every day. We are not separate from our homes, our spaces, or the objects and people that surround us. How can we begin to connect to and appreciate our world, and see the beauty in each moment?
In her new book Mindful Homes [CICO 2023], Anjie Cho explains how we can start by paying attention to the details around us. Feng shui and mindfulness can help us to slow down, be more aware, and create spaciousness to give birth to more joy, creativity, and community.
Learn simple practices to cultivate a healing living space, including creating sacred spaces for rituals, mindful meditation, and offering gratitude to deities and to your home itself. This Mindful Spaces retreat will inspire you to look at your environment with fresh eyes and create a space that enhances happiness and wellbeing.
Note: Retreat to include portions in Silence, along with daily Sitting Meditation, and daily ROTA Cleaning Work periods
About the Leader

Anjie Cho
Anjie Cho is a creator of holistic spaces, specifically focused on designing architectural interiors, and teaching feng shui and meditation. She is the author of Mindful Homes [CICO Books 2023] and Holistic Spaces [CICO Books 2018]. Since 1999, she has been designing beautiful and nourishing spaces (inner and outer) with balance and harmony, informed by the […]
Learn more about Anjie ChoCategories : Feng Shui, mindfulness, wellness
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